Assorted Mixed Bean Jumbo size Ready to eat pickle tea salad dressing for traditional Burmese Tea Salad. Recommend to buy Assorted Mix Bean to make Burmese tea salad. Look detail instructions at the end.....
My bird’s nest is producing. There are totally 58 items in our company bird’s nest products. Among them, the core main products are only two items. The first is cane bird nest and the secondary.....
Our Shwe Bo Paw San can be described as ” Magical Rice” because when it is cooked it goes double to triple length. Shwe Bo Paw San can be cultivated only in.....
1/ Ar Pone @ Ar Pone @ Coconut Pan Cake It make with Coconut, Rice powder and Sugar. 2/ Mohn Kalar Mae @ Doe Doe Coconut Milk, Sugar, Black Sticky Rice and water are contain in.....
Product Peking century egg’s yolk is translucent jelly and texture of golden-yellow that makes exciting to look and delicious to eat. We produce peking century eggs by collecting fresh duck eggs from livestock farmers in.....
Now relish your rice dishes even more with Precious’s Basmati Rice which has been cultivated in nice weather of the southern part of Shan State. Unlike ordinary long grain rice the light, fluffy.....
Ayathaya Red Wine available in 750 ml and 375 ml Grapes Shiraz 80% Dornfelder 10% Tempranillo 10% Characteristics Dark-ruby in colour. The descent aroma of wood, its fruity components reminiscent of dried plums and cherries.....